Tuesday, May 5, 2009

Viva Orlando

Last week I had a little gettaway to Orlando to spend some time with my family. Dave and Dan had endodontics meetings down in Orlando and Dave took his kids a few days early to go to Disneyworld. Because Becky is pregnant with her 6th and is still in the sick stage, they gave me this proposal: I come down and help with the kids while Dave is at meetings and they'll pay for all the park tickets and food and everything. DEAL! It was a pretty easy decision and I'm so glad I did it. Before I got there they went to 2 Disney parks and then when I got there we went to a waterslide park and to Sea World. The kids were adorable and the weather was perfect: 85 degrees and sunny, I loved it. Another thing that made it great was that I accidentally forgot my cell phone! I realized it when I got to the airport but it was actually nice to not be able to get ahold of, it was a true vacation! I've decided I need to wean myself off my phone a little bit: yes its not quite as convenient but things still work. Dave picked me up curbside at the airport (it was great, I only had to wait a few minutes) and we were laughing about what it was like in the pre-cell phone days, you just kept driving around the loop at the airport until you saw your person on the curb...sometimes it was 5 minutes, sometimes like 30. Or you could also send someone in to the baggage claim area to find who you're waiting for, then go out to the curb. Anyways, here are some pictures for your enjoyment!

1 comment:

  1. How fun! I love amusement parks!! And they're even better when you go with kids. And you can't beat family!! Oh, and I'm jealous of your warm weather. I'm ready to see some sun!
